Health professionals educators, practitioners, researchers, and students, as well as cultural theorists, economists, geographers, historians, media scholars, philosophers and sociologists are invited to submit abstracts for the conference.
Thanks to everyone who submitted an abstract for the conference
Submission deadline – now a rolling deadline
As of 6 March 2023, we moved from a fixed deadline for abstract submission to a rolling submission.
You can now submit your abstract at any time up to the deadline for submissions (end of the day GMT, Friday 15th December 2023).
Your abstract will be reviewed by two academics from the conference Scientific Committee and we aim to have a reply to you within a week.
We’ve done this because different people will need different amounts of time to plan their trips.
Review criteria
The reviewers will look for abstracts that:
1. Focus on contemporary health care and health professional issues
2. Have a strong focus on critical theory*
3. Are provocative
4. Present work that will appeal to a diverse audience
5. Connects to the conference theme of diagnosis \\ destruction \\ voice \\ assemblage
Abstract formats
This year we’ll be experimenting with two different kinds of abstracts: formal and informal
Formal abstracts
The familiar, traditional format.
300-word limit, including title, your name and contact details, five keywords, and the text of your abstract.
Ideal for presenting specific projects with a very clear scope.
Email your abstract in Word, Pages, or Markdown format (not PDF) to david.nicholls@aut.ac.nz
Informal abstracts
A more relaxed format.
Submit a broad proposal for the area you would like to explore at the conference.
150-word limit, including title, your name and contact details, five keywords, and the text of your proposal.
Ideal for projects that are still developing (and may change between now and the conference), or where you would like to explore broader themes beyond the confines of a specific project.
Email your abstract in Word, Pages, or Markdown format (not PDF) to david.nicholls@aut.ac.nz
*Critical theory here refers to a wide range of sociological and philosophical perspectives drawn particularly from critical sociology and continental philosophical traditions. Specifically here, it refers to an interest in social change, and concerns for government, social control, discipline, and resistance; questions of the societal workings knowledge, power and truth manifesting in diverse ways throughout healthcare today; emancipation and political transformation especially around race, gender, queer and disability activism; post-modern, post-structural and post-human concerns for language, desire, transgression, and the more-than-human.