Presenters at the ISIH 2024 conference will have the opportunity to publish their papers in special issues of two journals: Aporia and Pacific Health Journal.

Aporia is dedicated to scholarly debates in nursing and the health sciences. The journal is committed to a pluralistic view of science and to the blurring of boundaries between disciplines. Aporia encourages the use of a wide range of epistemologies, philosophies, theoretical perspectives and research methodologies. In the critical analyses of health-related matters, Aporia advocates and embraces a wide range of epistemologies, philosophies and theories including but not limited to: cultural studies, feminism(s), neo-marxism, postmodernism, poststructuralism, postcolonialism and queer studies.

Pacific Health is a peer-reviewed and open access journal, with an interdisciplinary focus on health, communities and the environments of the Asia Pacific Rim – including Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, East and South East Asia and Australia. Contributions that incorporate holistic and indigenous approaches involving, partnership, participation and engagement with communities are most welcome. The journal is interdisciplinary, contemporary, innovative, equity-oriented and encourages submissions which encompass the effects of colonization and western influences on health. We welcome non-traditional, arts-based and multi-media submissions such as studies using visual methodologies, articles with video abstracts, photovoice, practice-led and artefact-based research. Recent articles have focused on social justice, gender rights, indigenous studies, cultural diversity and sustainability within the region. We are particularly keen to support emerging researchers from the Asia Pacific region to gain skills in authorship, reviewing, and editing.